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[Below: 'Defending your town will be defending Italy.']

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[Below: Circa 1935.]

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[Below: 'New weapons. Laugh, well, who's laughing last.']

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[Below: This is called 'The Black Shame'.]

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[Below: 'Di che cosa si parla: la via del mar rosso-un mare rosso di sangue'


'What we are talking about: the way of the Red Sea - a sea of blood'

'Il giornale ebraico Jewish Times scrive sull'invasione: il dio d'israele ci guidera' ancora una volta col piede asciutto come nel mar rossa'


'The Hebrew newspaper Jewish Times writes about the invasion: the god of Israel will lead us once more with his foot as dry as in the red sea'.]

[Below: Here's a beautiful WWI era poster.]