[Above: This graphic from the Italian Social Republic says 'Present all flags'.]
[Above: Postcard. 'U.R.S.S.' stands for 'Unione delle Repubbliche Socialiste Sovietiche', or 'Union of Soviet Socialist Republics'. It is titled 'Together we end the Soviet-Bolshevik hydra!' Circa 1942.]
[Above: Italian postcard celebrating German and Italian social programs. KdF stands for the German 'Strength through Joy' program. 'PNF' stands for 'The National Fascist Party', while 'OND' stands for 'National Opera After Work'. The two countries cooperated with one another in more ways than a military alliance as this postcard shows. The quote is from Mussolini and basically says friends should stick together until the very end. He really meant it. He stuck by his beliefs and his comrades until death.]
[Above: Postcard back.]
[Above: PNF' ('The National Fascist Party').]
[Above: Italian postal cancel showing a German soldier and the words 'E Vincera' Malgrado Tutto!' = 'And Victorious Despite Everything!']
[Above: Italian feldpost postcard with a message regarding keeping your mouth shut!]
[Above: Front. Here is a Feldpost card from an Italian volunteer in the German Wehrmacht, August 7, 1944. Click to enlarge.]
[Above: Postcard reverse. Click to enlarge.]
[Above: Registered envelope from May of 1941 sent to Geneva, Switzerland to the Red Cross Prisoner of War Agency. You'll note it has Italian censor tape on three sides of the envelope.]
[Above: Reverse of envelope.]
[Above: 1944 Italian feldpost envelope from an Italian Waffen-SS volunteer.]
[Above: Tobacco tin.]
[Above: These 1941 Italian Occupation of Ionian Islands (Zante) are exceedingly rare and pricey, valued at more than €200,000!]
[Above: More rare Italian Occupation of Ionian Islands (Zante) stamps (1943).]
[Above: Another, even rarer Italian Occupation of Ionian Islands (Zante) stamp. This is an Air Post from 1941, of which there are only 5 examples known!]
[Above: Italian Ionian Islands (Zante) from 1941 showing overprinted variety with regular Italian stamps.]
[Above: An Italian occupation envelope from the island of Cerigo (Greece). This is a private overprint and fairly rare.]
[Above: A nearly identical envelope as that above. This is obviously philatelic (done for collectors). They both have a 'military post' postmark and an original Greek one.]
[Above: Another set of the Italian occupation of Cerigo.]
[Above: Rare Italian occupation of Ithaca, 1941.]
[Above: Rare Italian occupation of Ithaca, 1941.]
[Above: Rare Italian occupation of Ithaca, 1941.]
[Above: Graphic found on the back of a WWII era Italian colonial envelope. It was a Italian national airline which operated during the fascist era. It ceased operations upon the wars end.]
[Above: Airmail label.]
[Above: An example of various postal vignettes, usually done for propaganda or advertising. Click to enlarge!]
[Above: Another example of various postal vignettes, usually done for propaganda or advertising. Click to enlarge!]
[Above: Fascist era tax stamps bearing the image of the Italian King Victor Emmanuele III. 'Regio Esercito' means The Royal Italian Army. Click to enlarge!]
[Above: And another fascist era tax stamps bearing the image of the Italian King Victor Emmanuele III.]
[Above: Another set of fascist era tax stamps bearing the image of the Italian King Victor Emmanuele III. These were used in Africa and have Amharic (Ethiopia) and Arabic languages on them.]
[Above: Fascist era (1934) anti-tuberculosis vignette stampbook.]
[Above: This advertising stamp (check out Mussolini's face on the blade of the fasces) says:
'Crociera Aerea del Decennale 1933 XI
Roma - Chicago - New York - Roma.'
(Tenth Anniversary Air Cruise 1933 XI
Rome - Chicago - New York - Rome)]
[Above: This advertising stamp (check out the pole that says Mussolini on it) says:
'Crociera Aerea del Decennale 1933 XI
Roma - Chicago - New York - Roma.'
(Tenth Anniversary Air Cruise 1933
Rome - Chicago - New York - Rome)]