'For a civilian, life in general within a U-boat is not very comfortable. However, I cannot claim this myself. The commander, the officers and the entire crew not only spoiled me throughout the voyage, but turned it into a happy experience. From the first time I came aboard, I wondered, how I would endure this long time within such cramped circumstances.
Now the time of parting comes, and it is no exaggeration to confess that I have the feeling that I am leaving a comfortable home with a heavy heart. Also nature was merciful to us and we could absorb and admire some unforgettable beauties of the sea and sky during the trip.
We give our wholehearted thanks to the officers and men, in particular the Commandant, for always showing us friendship and being helpful during the whole trip. We wish the boat U-180 a happy and proud homecoming into her base, decorated with victory pennants and garlands. The sun and the stars may bear witness to the strikes that this boat will deliver to our common enemy. When we have succeeded in striking England in the distant Far Eastern Front, then we will always think back with joy to this trip on U-180, that leads us to victory and to freedom.
Subhas Chandra Bose
(April 26, 1943)'
Sadly, the u-boat was lost a little more than a year later. U-180 sailed from Bordeaux on August 20, 1944 bound for Japan. She was reported sunk off the Bay of Biscay on August 23, 1944, with the loss of all of her 56 crew. The official verdict is "sunk by a mine", however, some experts speculate that trouble with the schnorkel (the underwater breathing and engine operating device), may have been the cause.