'What thrust us into war were not Hitler's political teachings: the cause, this time, was his successful attempt to establish a new economy. The causes of the war were: envy, greed, and fear.'
-British General and Historian John Frederick Charles Fuller (1878-1966).'

[Above: Holodomor. Or 'to kill by starvation'. Also known as the Terror-Famine or Terror-Genocide. The communist monsters of the Soviet government murdered up to TWELVE million Ukrainian people from 1932 to 1933. This is only a small part of the tens of millions of men, women and children murdered by the communists who had taken over Russia. This is the same Russia that the United States kept alive with endless money and supplies which were sent to Russia while Germany was nearly victorious. The United States aided and abeted this monster regime which had taken over Russia with bloody force and murdered Russia's royal family in cold blood. Find that peculiar? Well, you shouldn't. You should know by now that Russia was in fact being ruled by the same New York Jews that also ruled America. Think I'm kidding? Research it. It's mind blowing and very true. Anyway, click on the pictures to make them bigger. This is the true face of communism.]

[Above: This is the face of evil. This is what our leaders supported. This is what they still hide from us.]

[Above: As you devour your next poisonous, greasy fast food meal, remember these people. They were just like you. White men and women. Children. Murdered by the millions. It's not the last White genocide. One is coming your way, fast. You better open up your eyes, white man. It's coming.]

[Above: I know you are probably hardened and to some degree bitter. Perhaps these pictures don't disturb you like they should. Years on the internet have probably dulled your senses and desensitized you. But you better look carefully. There is a Holodomor 2.0 coming our way. These same people who were responsible for this genocide are still ruling us. Next time no one will survive. Yet, still you don't speak out. You leave it up to those of us who are speaking out. Because why? Because you are afraid. You have a job. You have a family. You can't risk it. Well, we all have those things. The real difference is this: you know what I'm going to say don't you? You know it deep in your heart. Perhaps you even wrestle with it sometimes? Do I really need to say it here? Okay, fine. I'll say it: you are a coward. And when they really come for us you will have done nothing. While your people die all around you. While the chains get heavier and heavier around our wrists. And don't you worry, those of you who are not White. They will also come for you. They mean to destroy all races except the 'neutroid', mixed race they are creating. A race with no origins. A race with no real pride. They're coming for you. Us. Take a good look at these images and always remember: there is a mass grave in your future. These maniacs hate you more than you can imagine. Speak out while you still can.
Join our voices of alarm and protest. SPEAK OUT!]

  • See more images of Holodomor

    'The stage is rigged for Europe to destroy herself and nothing is more certain than that...'
    -Warning Europe - Practical Action for Prevention of War, European Suicide pg. 7, John Mitchell, published in The Border Chronicle, December 15, 1939.

  • The following drawings of the aftermath of the Allied terror bombings are done by Franz Grießler.

    'A German historian estimates in a new book that French, British and American soldiers raped 860,000 Germans at and after the end of the WW2, including 190,000 sexual assaults by American soldiers.
    Professor Miriam Gebhardt's book When the Soldiers Came includes interviews with victims, stories of the children of rape and research that she conducted over the course of a year and a half into birth records in Allied-occupied West Germany and West Berlin.
    Gebhardt said she arrived at that number of sexual assaults by estimating that of the so-called 'war-children' born to unmarried German women by the 1950s, five percent were products of rape.
    She also estimates that for each birth, there were 100 rapes, including of men and boys.
    Much of the discussion of sexual assaults against Germans has focused on the Soviet troops in east Germany, who are estimated to have committed between one to two million rapes during the time.
    Gebhardt said she wanted to challenge the assumption that it was only the Red Army that was responsible for such acts.
    'Goebbels warned that the Red Army would rampage through Germany, would rape German women and commit atrocities against civilians... People hoped that they would be occupied by Western troops and not the Soviets,” she said.
    'But the course of events was the same. Both sides plundered valuables and mementoes, and soldiers often committed gang rapes against women.'
    Gebhardt's research also included records from Bavarian priests recording the Allied advance in 1945, including one description that reads “the saddest event during the advance were three rapes, one on a married woman, one on a single woman and one on a spotless girl of 16-and-a-half. They were committed by heavily drunken Americans.'
    'It will be resisted to some extent. There are American scholars who will not like it because they may think it will make the war crimes committed by the Germans less bad,” Lilly said.
    The rapes 'lasted for years, not just at the moment of the conquest,' she added.
    'They weren't just part of the violence that took place in the last weeks and days of the war, but continued for years.'

    -Professor Miriam Gebhardt, When the Soldiers Came, 2020.

    [Above: An Unterscharführer in the noble 'Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler', murdered by invading Canadian mercenaries, Falaise, August 16, 1944. He's wearing a wedding ring... another husband, son, perhaps a father, never to return home. The ghoulish Allies have unbuttoned his pants and left his genitals exposed for the camera. Again, who were the real monsters?]

    [Above: 'Hitler dead'? Never.]

    [Above: A sadness immeasurable, mixed with a cosmic, burning contempt for the cowardly victor. All the while a tiredness deeper than blood and bone. This German soldier sits in front of the burning Reichstag, waiting for what's to come. Berlin, 1945. Surely he contemplated: was it all for nothing? My brothers bleeding, dying? The soul-splitting cries of battle, the sparkling heights of victory, the spirit-crushing depths of defeat...?
    It wasn't for nothing, my friend. You are heroes to all free men. You gave us a chance in our fight. You put bullets in our guns with your sacrifice. But most of all, you gave us hope and inspiration and light in total darkness. We whisper warmly to you, beyond the constraints of time and space:
    "Thank you, in tear laden solemnity. Thank you, through gritted teeth, snarling smiles and squinting dead eyes. Thank you, with defiant hearts and dreams of vengeance. Thank you, for showing us a love greater than our hate. Thank you, for showing us it's not impossible and it's never too late..."]

    'National Socialism has tackled the Jewish problem by action and not by words. It has risen in opposition to the Jewish determination to dominate the world; it has attacked them everywhere and in every sphere of activity; it has flung them out of the positions they have usurped; it has pursued them in every direction, determined to purge the German world of the Jewish poison. For us, this has been an essential process of disinfection, which we have prosecuted to its ultimate limit and without which we should ourselves have been asphyxiated and destroyed.

    ...Quick to realize the danger, the Jews decided to stake their all in the life and death struggle which they launched against us. National Socialism had to be destroyed, whatever the cost and even if the whole world were destroyed in the process. Never before had there been a war so typically and at the same time so exclusively Jewish.

    I have at least compelled them to discard their masks. And even if our endeavors should end in failure, it will only be a temporary failure. For I have opened the eyes of the whole world to the Jewish peril.'
    -Adolf Hitler, The Political Testament of Adolf Hitler, February/April 1945

    'You were so young,
    died much too early.
    Whosoever forgets you,
    never truly knew you.'

    -German death card

    'It is necessary that I should die for my people; but my spirit will rise from the grave and the world will know that I was right.'
    -Adolf Hitler