*See below!

[Below: Front/back.]

[Below: First page. Meet Rudi Borchardt, from Kratzbruch Insel (Kratzbruch Island), which is an islet in Berlin, Germany (an islet just means small island). The island is within a lake, in case you're wondering. It was known for having sports clubs, like sailing, yachts, etc. Today the island is a nature reserve. Perhaps this is the address of his sports club? Rudi was born on February 15, 1919. Let's take a look at what the book says:

'Der Eintritt erfolgte'

(The entry was made)

October 1, 1935

So he was 16 years old when he signed up for the DRL.

Look at that huge word! 'Betriebssportgemeinschaft AEG' stamped three times on the page. It means (Company sports association AEG). Pages 1-2.]

[Below: Our boy Rudi. Makes you wonder Rudi's fate. He most certainly fought in the war. Where? Did he earn medals? What front(s) did he fight on? Did he give his life, in a war forced on Germany?]

[Below: This says:

'Name des Vereins'
Kanu Verein 'Falke'

(Name of the association
Canoe club 'Falcon').

Pages 2-3.]

[Below: Pages 4-5.]

[Below: Pages 6-7.]

[Below: Pages 8-9.]

[Below: Pages 10-11.]

[Below: Some pretty cool dues stamps from 1937-1939, when the war ruined everything. Pages 12-13.]

[Below: Close-up of stamps.]