[Below: This rather rare book says: 'Die NS=Kultur=Gemeinde' (The NS Culture Community). Click to see more.]
[Below: This book says: 'Reichsluftschutzbund - Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechtes' (Reich Air Protection Association - Corporation under public law). Click to see more.]
[Below: This rare book says: 'Reichsmusikkammer' (Reich Music Chamber). Click to see more.]
[Below: This card says: 'Nationalsozialistischer Lehrerbund' (National Socialist Teachers' League). Click to see more.]
[Below: This card says: 'Nationalsozialistischer Lehrerbund Saargebiet' (National Socialist Teachers' League Saarland). Click to see more.]
[Below: This card was his wife Anna's, it says: 'Reichsluftschutzbund' (Reich Air Protection Association). Click to see more.]
[Below: This card says: 'N.S. Volkswohlfahrt' (N.S. People's Welfare). Click to see more.]
[Below: This card says: 'N.S. Volkswohlfahrt' (Exception permit to enter the Lorraine area). The regions of Alsace and Lorraine were contested throughout modern history between Germany and France. This card was issued just five months after France surrendered to Germany. Click to see more.]
[Below: This card says: 'Heimkehrerausweis' (Returnee identification card). Click to see more.]
[Below: This card says: 'Jahressportkarte der N.=S.=Gemeinschaft "Kraft durch Freude"' (Annual sports card of the N.=S.=Community "Strength through Joy"). Click to see more.]
[Below: This card says: 'Ausweis zum Betreten der freigemachten Zone' (Permit to enter the cleared zone). Click to see more.]
[Below: This card says: 'Unser Deutschland' (Our Germany) and below it says: 'Satzungen der "Deutschen Front"'. (Statutes of the "German Front"). This card was issued in 'Bischmisheim', a district in Saarland. Click to see more.]
[Below: This card says:
(Army Gas Protection School).]
Dem Oberarzt Dr. Blad wird hiermit bescheinigt, dass er
vom 1. Mai 1944 bis 6. Mai 1944 an einem Gasschutz-
Kurzlehrgang an der Armeegasschutzschule/AOK 9 mit - Erfolg
teilgenommen hat. Die Teilnahme am Lehrgang ist im Soldbuch bezw.
Wehrpass einzutragen.'
The senior physician Dr. Blad is hereby certified that he
from May 1, 1944 to May 6, 1944 participated in a gas protection
short course at the Army Gas Protection School/AOK 9 successfully.
Participation in the course is recorded in the
soldier's log book.
And at the bottom it says:
'Zur Truppe zurück in Marsch
gesetzt am: 7. Mai 1944'
(Military service pass.
Returned to the troops on: May 7, 1944)