[Below: A 3rd Reich ration sheet for Jewish children? Yes! This doesn't exactly fit the narrative does it? This a proof of a bread ration card overprinted 'Jude' for use by Jews. Also overprinted 'Ungültiges Muster!' (Invalid Sample/Proof!). Circa 1943.]
[Below: Another 3rd Reich ration sheet for Jewish children and adolescents. This one is specifically for Jewish children ages 3 - 18. This lists the ration items as legumes, rice and even coffee. This is a proof like that above. Circa 1943.]
[Below: And another 3rd Reich ration sheet for Jews, this time for bread. Circa 1943.]
[Below: And another 3rd Reich ration sheet for Jews, this is for dairy products. Circa 1943.]
[Below: And another 3rd Reich ration sheet for Jews, this also for bread. Circa 1944.]
[Below: And another 3rd Reich ration sheet for Jews, this is also for dairy products. Circa 1944.]
[Below: And another 3rd Reich ration sheet for Jews, this is also for dairy products. Circa 1944.]
[Below: The following are 3rd Reich ration sheets for Traunstein, which is a town in the southeastern part of Bavaria and is also the administrative center of a much larger district of the same name. In this case, these are for the district. You'll note that all of them say 'Landrat Traunstein', this just means 'District Administrator Traunstein'.]
[Below: 'Reichseierkarte' (Reich eggs card) - Gültig vom (Valid from) March 11 - August 25, 1940.]
[Below: 'Nährmittelkarte Kinder und Jugendliche bis zu 18 Jahren' (Nutrition card for children and adolescents up to 18 years) - Gültig vom (Valid from) November 18 - December 15, 1940.]
[Below: 'Nährmittelkarte' (Nutrition card) - Gültig vom (Valid from) November 18 - December 15, 1940.]
[Below: 'Reichsbrotkarte für von 6 bis 10 Jahren' (Reichsbrotkarte for 6 to 10 years) - Gültig vom (Valid from) July 29 - August 25, 1940.]
[Below: 'Reichsfettkarte für Jugendliche von 14 bis 18 Jahren' (Reich Fat Card for young people aged 14 to 18) - Gültig vom (Valid from) November 18 - December 15, 1940.]
[Below: 'Reichsfleischkarte' (Reich meat card) - Gültig vom (Valid from) February 12 - March 10, 1940.]
[Below: 'Reichsmilchkarte (Reich Milk Card) - Gültig vom (Valid from) January 15 - February 11, 1940.]
[Below: 'Reichsfleischkarte' (Reich Meat Card) - Gültig vom (Valid from) April 7 - May 4, 1941.]
[Below: 'Nährmittelkarte für Selbstversorger' (Food Card for Self-catering) - Gültig vom (Valid from) April 7 - May 4, 1941.]
[Below: 'Reichsfettkarte für Kinder bis zu 3 Jahren' (Reich Fat Card for children up to 3 years) - Gültig vom (Valid from) May 5 - June 1, 1941.]
[Below: 'Reichsbrotkarte für Kinder von 6 bis 10 Jahren' (Reichs Bread Card for children from 6 to 10 years) - Gültig vom (Valid from) January 13 - February 9, 1941.]
[Below: 'Reichsfettkarte für Kinder von 6 - 14 Jahren' (Reichs Bread Card for children from 6 to 14 years) - Gültig vom (Valid from) May 5 - June 1, 1941.]
[Below: 'Reichsbrotkarte für von 6 bis 10 Jahren' (Reich Bread Card for children from 6 to 10 years) - Gültig vom (Valid from) April 7 - May 4, 1941.]
[Below: 'Reichsfettkarte für Selbstversorger mit Butter' (Reich Fat Card for self-catering with butter) - Gültig vom (Valid from) March 3 - April 6, 1941.]
[Below: 'Reichsbrotkarte für Jugendliche von 10 bis 20 Jahren' (Reichs Bread Card for young people aged 10 to 20 years) - Gültig vom (Valid from) June 2 - June 29, 1941.]
[Below: 'Reichsfettkarte' (Reich Fat Card) - Gültig vom (Valid from) September 21 - October 18, 1942.]
[Below: 'Reichsfettkarte für Selbstversorger mit Butter' (Reich fat card for self-catering with Butter) - Gültig vom (Valid from) June 1 - June 28, 1942.]
[Below: 'Nährmittelkarte für Selbstversorger' (Food card for self-catering) - Gültig vom (Valid from) August 24 - September 20, 1942.]
[Below: 'Abgelagertes Brot ist ergiebiger und bekömmlicher' (Seasoned bread is more productive and digestible) - Reichsbrotkarte' (Reich Bread Card) - Gültig vom (Valid from) March 8 - April 4, 1943.]
[Below: 'Reichsfettkarte für Selbstversorger mit Butter' (Reich fat card for self-catering with Butter) - Gültig vom (Valid from) April 5 - May 2, 1943.]
[Below: 'Reichsfleischkarte' (Reich Meat Card) - Gültig vom (Valid from) January 11 - February 7, 1943.]
[Below: 'Reichsfettkarte für Selbstversorger mit Butter' (Reich fat card for self-catering with Butter) - Gültig vom (Valid from) April 5 - May 2, 1943.]
[Below: This was issued in Baden-Baden, a town in the state of Baden-Württemberg in south-western Germany.]
[Below: This was issued in Berlin and was for a 50kg bag of potatoes, 1944.]
[Below: This was issued in Amstetten (Austria) and was for dairy products, for children 6-14 years old, 1940.]
[Below: This was issued in Amstetten (Austria) and was for meat, for children up to 6 years old, 1940.]
[Below: This was issued in Amstetten (Austria) and was for bread, for youths from 10-20 years old, 1940.]
[Below: This was issued in Amstetten (Austria) and was for sugar, 1940.]
[Below: This was issued in Amstetten (Austria) and was for eggs, 1940 - 1941.]
[Below: This was issued in Essen (western Germay) and was for potatoes, 1944.]
[Below: This was issued in Bernburg (Saxony) and was for meat, 1941.]
[Below: This was issued in Bernburg (Saxony) and was for sugar, 1941.]
[Below: This was issued in Bernburg (Saxony) and was nutrition for children and adolescents up to 18 years, 1941.]
[Below: This was issued in Bernburg (Saxony) and was for butter and cheese, 1941.]
[Below: This was issued in Bernburg (Saxony) and was for meat for children up to 6 years old, 1941.]
[Below: This was issued in Bernburg (Saxony) and was for butter and cheese for adolescents 14-18 years old, 1941.]
[Below: This was issued in Bernburg (Saxony) and was for sugar, 1941.]
[Below: This was issued in Bernburg (Saxony) and was for cheese and fat, 1941.]
[Below: This was issued in Linz (Austria) and was for tobacco, 1945.]
[Below: This was issued in Munich and was for bread for children up to six years old, 1940-41.]
[Below: This was issued in Munich and was for meat for children up to six years old, 1940-41.]
[Below: This was issued in Munich and was for dairy products for children between 3 - 6 years old, 1941.]
[Below: This was issued in Munich and was for bread for children between 6-10 years old, 1941.]
[Below: This was issued in Oberstützengrün (Saxony) and was for bread for children and adolescents between 6-14 years old, 1942.]
[Below: This was issued in Oberstützengrün (Saxony) and was for butter and cheese, 1942.]
[Below: This was issued in Oberstützengrün (Saxony) and was for dairy products, 1944.]
[Below: This was issued in Schwarzenberg (Saxony) and was for nutrition for children and adolescents between 3-18 years old, 1944.]
[Below: This was issued in Miesbach, Germany, and was for bread, 1942.]
[Below: Reverse showing a watermark.]
[Below: This was issued in Vienna (Austria) and was for dairy products, 1939.]
[Below: This was issued in Vienna (Austria) and was for milk, 1940.]
[Below: This was issued in Vienna (Austria) and was for dairy products, 1940.]
[Below: This was issued in Vienna (Austria) and was for sugar, 1940.]
[Below: This was issued in Vienna (Austria) and was for soap, 1944.]
[Below: This was issued in Vienna (Austria) and was also for soap, date unknown.]
[Below: This has to be the most terrible eagle/swastika design ever made! What were they thinking?! I hope the person who designed this got fired. Maybe even thrown in Auschwitz for this desecration. And what's up with what looks to be a straw in the eagle's mouth? Anyway, these are ration tickets for coffee and tobbaco.]
[Below: Here is a sheet of ration coupons for 'Knochen Abgeliefert' (bones delivered). Bones were vital for the war effort and were recycled and used for a variety of purposes, including the manufacture of glycerine, which is used in high explosives. Bones could also be used for soap, paint, candles and fertilizer.]
[Below (left): Ration certificate issued by the General Government (Poland), it says 'Lebensmittelkarte für nichtdeutsche KINDER bis 14 Jahre' (Food card for non-German CHILDREN up to 14 years). It has various stamps for bread & flour, miscellaneous, coffee, sugar, meat, marmalade, grain products. On the right is another ration certificate issued by the General Government (Poland), it says 'Lebensmittelkarte für Ackerbesitzer des Kreises Blachownia' (Food card for landowners in the Blachownia district). It was good until September 1940. Blachownia is in Southern Poland and is a tiny town of under 10,000 people (currently). This certificate has coupons for bread & flour, sugar, miscellaneous, marmalade, meat and coffee substitute. Click to enlarge.]
[Below: Petroleum ration coupon.]
[Below: Potato ration coupons.]
[Below: Close-up.]
[Below: Wehrmacht bread ration coupons.]
[Below: Close-up.]
[Below: Wehrmacht bread stamps - variations.]
[Below: A wide variety of food ration coupons.]
[Below: A wide variety of food ration coupons.]
[Below: Wehrmacht cigarette ration stamps.]
[Below: As above, but with a slightly different shade, in sheet form. 'zehn Tage' means 'ten days'. Click to enlarge.]
[Below: A variety of Wehrmacht tobacco ration stamps. 'Rauchtabak' = Smoking tobacco, 'Zigarren' = Cigars and 'Zigaretten' = Cigarettes.]
[Below: Another Wehrmacht cigarette ration stamp sheet. 'Ein Tag' means 'one day'.]
[Below: Rations stamps.]
[Below: Rations stamps from 1944.]