[Above: Wehrmacht soldier feeding a Ukrainian child, 1941.]


[Above: Wehrmacht soldier helps an old woman, 1941.]


[Above: Young Ukrainian girls carry a poster of Adolf Hitler with the words 'Hitler the Liberator'.]


[Above: Circa 1943. Courtesy of the Bundesarchiv.]


[Above: Leaders of Galicia are greeting volunteers. In the foreground: Chief of Military Authorities Colonel Alfred Bisanz.]

[Above: Alfred Bisanz (November 15, 1890 - October 1, 1951).]


[Above: Galizien volunteers march on Kosciuszko Street in Sanok, Ukraine, 1943.]


[Above: Commander of the 14. Waffen-SS Grenadier Division 'Galicia' Ukrainische Nr 1, SS-Oberführer Fritz Freitag, standing with a translator at swearing in ceremony, winter 43/44.]

[Above: SS-Oberführer Fritz Freitag.]


[Above: Jubilant Ukrainians greet their German liberators. August 1941. Click to enlarge.]



[Above: Reichskommisar for the Occupied Territories, Alfred Rosenberg, is given a gift of bread and flowers from a Ukrainian trio dressed in traditional clothing. ]


[Above: The liberation of Riga. ]


[Above: SS-Panzer-Grenadier-Division 'Leibstandarte' SS-Adolf Hitler welcomed as liberators by happy villagers in Ukraine. Click to enlarge.]


[Above: The Waffen-SS are warmly received by Ukrainians and presented with food and drinks. This picture was taken in the summer of 1941 and the men are thought to be from the Wiking Division.]


[Above: Waffen-SS soldiers welcomed by Ukrainian girls.]


[Above: Soldiers of the Waffen-SS Division 'Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler' with Ukrainian girls at a summer festival on the Azov Sea in 1942.]

[Above: Wider view of photo above.]


[Above: SS-Obersturmführer Gerhard Bremer of the Leibstandarte Division poses with Ukrainian girls in traditional dress at a summer festival on the Azov Sea in 1942.]


[Above: Soldiers of the Waffen-SS Division Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler in the Ukraine, 1941.]


[Above: A soldier of the Waffen-SS Division Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler with adoring girls in the Ukraine, 1941.]


[Above: Soldiers of the Waffen-SS Division Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler in the Ukraine, 1941.]


[Above: Ukrainian girls throwing flowers on passing Waffen-SS soldiers.]


[Above: A Ukrainian girl in national dress poses with German Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe officers.]




[Above: A Ukrainian village erected this beautiful gate after the German liberation of Ukraine. It says: 'Heil Hitler and His Brave Soldiers - Liberators of the Ukraine'. Click to enlarge.]


  • The following photos are from a parade in honor of the creation of the 14 SS Division Galicia. Ukrainians volunteers are seen here marching in front of the university building in Lviv, July 18, 1943. In the center, beneath the coat of arms, Governor Otto Wächter. To his right, in a dark suit and glasses, stands Volodymyr Kubijovyc with members of the military board.


    [Above: Note the symbol of the Ukraine above the swastika atop the men.]


    [Above: Their signs says 'Hitler the Liberator'.]


    [Above: Their signs says 'Hitler the Liberator'.]






    [Above: Ukrainian veterans take part in a parade for a recruitment drive for Galicia division in Ivano-Frankivsk (former Stanislaviv). Note the giant Combatants Cross, Ukrainian Iron Cross and Galician Cross.]


    [Above: This is a parade for the SS Galicia volunteers, 1943.]


    [Above: A beautiful Ukrainian ceremony in Lviv, 1943.]


  • The following photos show Waffen-SS Cavalry Division Florian Geyer soldiers distributing 'Adolf Hitler the Liberator' posters. Summer, 1941.


    [Above: An official hands out NSDAP swastika flags before a parade/rally.]


    [Above: Ecstatic Ukrainians line the roads celebrating their liberation by German troops. Circa 1941.]


    [Above: A German soldier being given something to drink and eat by grateful Ukrainain women. Circa 1941.]


    [Above: A German officer gives chocolate to a Ukrainian child.]



    [Above: A statue of Lenin is being removed from the city of Lviv. Lviv is a city in western Ukraine. Circa 1941.]


    [Above: This celebration took place in the year of freedom, 1941.]


    [Above: Ukraine civilians watch curiously as a German types a report during Operation Barbarossa. Vinnytsia, Ukraine. August 1941.]


    [Above: A sister parting with her brother, whom is a volunteer of the 14th SS division 1st Galician, Western Ukraine. Check out her dress?! Is it some sort of flag made into a dress?]



    [Below: The following pictures are of a parade in Ukraine.]




















    [Above: German officer addresses Ukrainian villagers.]



    [Above: Motorcycle dispatch riders on the Eastern Front are viewed by a curious mother a child during Operation Barbarossa. Rivne (Rovno) Oblast, Ukraine. July 1941.]



    [Above: Hans Frank is seen here on the left.]


    [Above: Again, Hans Frank is seen here on the left.]


    [Above: Ukrainian nationalists with soldiers march in Galicia.]


    [Above: Summer, 1941. Courtesy of the Bundesarchiv.]


    [Above: Summer, 1941. Courtesy of the Bundesarchiv.]


    [Above: Summer, 1941. Courtesy of the Bundesarchiv.]


    [Above: Summer, 1941. Courtesy of the Bundesarchiv.]



    [Above: A German soldier speaks to a Ukrainian family.]





    [Above: Galizien District celebration in honor of the creation of the SS-Freiwilligen-Schützen-Division 'Galizien'. Regional recruitment center, spring 1943.]





    [Above: 'Arbeitskarte für Arbeitskräfte' (Work card for Workers) - this is an ID card for a female guest worker in Germany - she is from the 'Altsowjetruss. Gebiet' (Old Soviet Area) - 'Ukreiner-Volkstum' (Ukrainian Nationality), printed in German and Cyrillic.]


    [Above: 'Arbeitskarte für Arbeitskräfte' (Work card for Workers) - this is an ID card for a female guest worker in Germany - she is from the 'Altsowjetruss. Gebiet' (Old Soviet Area) - 'Ukreiner-Volkstum' (Ukrainian Nationality), printed in German and Cyrillic.]


  • Below: More than seven decades later Ukrainian nationalists march on the same streets of their proud ancestors.


