[Below: Two early editions of 'White Power'. William Pierce kept the book in print for many years through his publishing house.]
[Below: A comrade of ours found a newspaper clipping of Commander Rockwell's father's death in back of a second edition of White Power with a few other clippings.]
[Below: A comrade of ours found a newspaper clipping of Commander Rockwell's father's death in back of a Second Edition of White Power with a few other clippings.]
To all White Men of courage
who from the beginning created Western Civilization
and in the present sustain and
in the future fulfill human destiny
this book is dedicated.
Between the First and Second edition of this book, Commander Rockwell was Assassinated.
The following Dedication for the second edition is from the same source as the first,
The Airman's World, by G. R. Wilson:
I will remember how he stands
in the fretting sky and disdains to die.
I will remember that the tall must expect the pain
they avoid who live on the sheltered plain.
I will remember they have gales to face
who choose to stand in the highest place,
and the proud must scorn that scars accrue
to heads held high where lightnings brew.
I will remember the good life is lived
where one can see deep and far
to the canyon's heart or the midnight star.
[Below: This Time the World ©1961.]
The books beautiful and poetic dedication reads as follows:
'DEDICATION TO: ADOLF HITLER! Like spiritual giants before you — you were cursed and driven to death by spiritual pygmies for daring to stand up for a new and vital truth. Your heroic people lie silent, bound in golden chains and torn between the two criminal gangs of Bolsheviks and Zionists. I helped to bomb and burn millions of your brave young men. Your blue-eyed young mothers were raped and murdered by Soviet and Negro savages. The millions of little blond boys and girls you loved so well lie moldering in acres of devastation and ruin. Millions of my fellow Americans, British, French and others of our racial comrades, all as ignorant as I once was, were slaughtered and maimed fighting for these same two filthy gangs of Zionists and Bolsheviks. The Weltfeind cringes like the Devil at the sign of the cross. Your mighty spirit has inspired millions with the Holy Truth. From all over the earth, faintly at first, comes the sound of marching boots — louder and louder they grow! Listen! They are singing! “ Die Fahne Hoch! Die Reihen fest geschlossen! ” Out of the mud and slime of lies, your holy red, white and black Swastika has been flung back into the skies in Virginia, United States of America, and we pledge you our lives, Adolf Hitler, that we shall not flag or fail until we have utterly destroyed the forces of Marxism and darkness. HEIL HITLER! “It is necessary that I should die for my people; but my spirit will rise from the grave and the world will know that I was right.'
[Below: This Time the World ©1961.]
[Below: This Time the World ©1961.]
[Below: This Time the World ©1961.]
[Below: This Time the World ©1961.]
[Below: This Time the World ©1963. Second edition. This copy is even autographed by Rockwell!]
[Below: Here you'll notice stains, all of the books are like this. It is from the glue they used, it ended up being acidic. These books were handmade!]
[Below: This Time the World ©1961. This is a 60 page booklet released by Black Metal Cult Records.]
[Below: White Power ©1966.]
[Below: Collected Works - this is a collection of essays and other works written by Rockwell dating back to as early as 1958. ©2016.]
[Below: A National Socialist Life - Selected Writings by George Lincoln Rockwell. ©2011.]
[Below: The Stormtrooper - volume one - a compilation of issues compiled toward the end of the 2010s, with a foreward by James Mason and published by Siegeculture Publications.]
[Below: The Stormtrooper - reverse.]
[Below: The Stormtrooper - volume two - a compilation of issues compiled toward the end of the 2010s, with a foreward by James Mason and published by Siegeculture Publications.]
[Below: The Stormtrooper - reverse.]
[Below: Rockwell Report By George Lincoln Rockwell #16 - 1962]
[Below: April 1966 issue of Playboy with Rockwell interview.]
[Below: Police Gazette. Rockwell appeared in MANY, many 'men's' magazines such as this.]
[Below: 'I am an American Nazi'.]
[Below: 'What Rockwell Will Do As Governor' advertisement, circa 1966.]
[Below: 'Uniform of the U.S. Nazi Stormtrooper'.]
[Below: 'God Help Us' flyer.]
[Below: 'The Black Plague' flyer.]
[Below: 'White Man... Unite and Fight!']
[Below: 'White Man... Fight!']
[Below: 'Supporter Card'.]
[Below: Rockwell cancelled check from June 25, 1958.]
[Below: American Nazi Party cancelled check from April 25, 1962.]
[Below: Rockwell letter with official letterhead from March 7, 1965.]
[Below: Rockwell letter with official letterhead from March 14, 1965.]
[Below: Rockwell newspaper article (with a West German 'Nazi-scare' bonus!).]
[Below: This LP is from 1973 and was released by Helios Records.]
[Below: LP 'Speech at Brown University', 1966. The 'ANP' stands for American Nazi Party. I'm not sure if this was released with a jacket, I'd assume it was, but for now this is all we have to archive.]
[Below: Reverse, side B.]
[Below: LP 'Speech in the Armory - Lynchburg, Virginia - August 20, 1963'. Again, I'm not sure if this was released with a jacket, I'd assume it was, but for now this is all we have to archive.]
[Below: Pin 'Lincoln Rockwell for President'.]
[Below: Pin reverse.]
[Below: A modern advertisement for a shirt from Vanguard Productions.]
[Below: Rockwell's signature from a 1935 school yearbook]
[Below: As you can see, Rockwell's signature changed dramatically in the years to come. This check was written in 1958, 23 years after the yearbook signature above.]
[Below: The signature below is a common style Rockwell used to sign his book This Time the World in 1961.]
[Below: The signature below is from a 1965 letter. It's very similiar to that above.]
[Below: This signature is from a 1960s publication, and again we see a sharp difference in style.]
[Below: This is a small communist propaganda poster from Soviet Russia (Cold War) which shows an image of Rockwell at the podium.]