• Kamptegnet (Battle Sign) was published from May 1939 until May 1943. Its slogan was 'Dansk Ugeblad til Kamp for Sandheden' (The Danish Magazine that Fights for Truth)

    [Above: 'De hemmelige Magters Verdenspolitik' translates as 'The World War II of the Secret Magistrates']

    [Above: 'Den evige Jøde' translates as 'The Eternal Jew']

    [Above: 'Danske Jøder garderer sig' translates as 'Danish Jews Guard Themselves']

    [Above: 'To Rabbinere paa Krigsstien!' translates as 'Two Rabbis on the Warpath!']

    [Above: 'Den jødiske Bolsjevismes Blodskyld!' translates as 'The Jewish Bolshevik's Bloodshed!']

    [Above: 'Ikke en eneste Overlevende' translates as 'Not a Single Survivor']

    [Above: 'Jødisk Dødsdom over Danmark!' translates as 'Jewish Death Sentence over Denmark!']

    [Above: 'Statsministeren og Jøderne' translates as 'Prime Minister and Jews']

    [Above: 'Den mørke Middelalder' translates as 'The Dark Middle Ages']

    [Above: 'Dansk Skolescene i Jødeklør' translates as 'Danish School Scene in Jødklør']

    [Above: 'Zions Vise fra Krystalgade' translates as 'Zion View from Crystal Street']

    [Above: 'De Jødiske Bødlers grufulde Rettersted' translates as 'The Terrible Justice of the Jewish Commanders']

    [Above: 'Danmark som Sovjet Republic?' translates as 'Denmark as the Soviet Republic?']

    [Above: 'Det Staar I Talmud' translates as 'It's in the Talmud - the Jews Criminal Secret']