[Above: Marshal Ion Antonescu.]
[Above: Marshal Ion Antonescu (middle) at a spectacular rally, to his left is Horia Sima.]
[Above: Ion Antonescu smiles warmly as he greets the Romanian High Command.]
[Above: Ion Antonescu and Corneliu Codreanu. Circa 1935.]
[Above: Ion Antonescu stands next to Iron Guard leader and vice-premier Horia Sima in a tribute to honor Iron Guard founder Corneliu Zelea Codreanu. Circa October 1940.]
[Above: Ion Antonescu and Horia Sima.]
[Above: Adolf Hitler and Ion Antonescu at the Führerbau in Munich (June 1941).
Joachim von Ribbentrop and Generalfeldmarschall Wilhelm Keitel are seen in the background.
Courtesy of the Bundesarchiv.]
[Above: Munich, summer of 1941, Romanian general Ion Antonescu-4th right, walking beside Adolf Hitler.]
[Above: Adolf Hitler meeting Ion Antonescu at the train station in the snow.]
[Above: Adolf Hitler and Ion Antonescu.]
[Above: Adolf Hitler and Ion Antonescu at the Führer Headquarters on February 11, 1942.]
[Above: Adolf Hitler and Ion Antonescu.]
[Above: Adolf Hitler and Ion Antonescu.]
[Above: Feldmarschall von Manstein meeting Ion Antonescu.]
[Above: Ion Antonescu greets Joachim von Ribbentrop.]
[Above: Hermann Goering and Ion Antonescu.]
[Above: Ion Antonescu and field marshal Wilhelm Keitel. Circa 1941.]
[Above: From left to right: Ciano, Ion Antonescu, Mussolini, and Galeazzo. circa 1940.]
[Above: Ion Antonescu beside Mussolini in Italy.]
[Above: Ion Antonescu on a postcard from 1943.]
[Above: Ion Antonescu on the cover of the Romanian edition of the magazine Der Adler (The Eagle).]
[Above: The murder of Marshall Ion Antonescu at the Fort Jilava prison in a suburb of Bucharest.]
[Above: Antonescu appears calm, dying with a clean conscience, knowing the eyes of history are watching. He dies for Romania like a man.]
[Above: A communist thug puts a few more murderous bullets into the head of the victims for good measure.]
[Above: The face of communism is the face of death.]
[Above: Modern coin commemorating Antonescu.]