[Below: This says, 'Merkblatt für Arbeitsbuchinhaber und Betriebsführer' (Leaflet for work book holders and operations manager)]
[Below: A mix of revenue stamps, labels, rations, dues, etc. showing a variety of eagles.]
[Below: Iron/sheet metal recycling labels. Click to enlarge.]
[Below: Iron/sheet metal recycling labels - sheets. Click to enlarge.]
[Below: Red Cross Breast Star award from 1937-39. Click to enlarge.]
[Below: An official seal of the German post office.]
[Below: Here's a Third Reich era vignette, which says: 'Fachgruppe Versteigerer' (Specialist Group Auctioneers).]
[Below: This little card from the 'Winter-Hilfswerk des Deutsches Volkes' (WHW) (Winter Relief Organization of the German People, WHW) says 'Tag der nationalen Solidarität' (Day of National Solidarity) and 'Ich habe despendet' (I have donated). 1934/35.]
[Below: This WHW postal label says 'Wir Helfen' (We Help). 1933/34.]
[Below: 'Red Cross Day' postal label.]
[Below: The beautiful eagle of the Kroll Opera House where the Reichstag assembled from 1933 until 1942, Berlin, 1939. This is the color LIFE magazine edition.]
[Below: Another shot of the Kroll Opera House. Click to see a huge version of this picture!]
[Below: Another shot of the Kroll Opera House.]
[Below: A side shot of the Kroll Opera House.]
[Below: Another shot.]
[Below: 1937 Reich Party Day postcard.]
[Below: A cool block of 1944 Hitler stamps celebrating his 55th birthday. The cancel is from Vienna and says 'Deutschland Wird Siegen!' (Germany Will Win!).]
[Below: Here are examples of the stamp above but each with a cancel from a different location! The final image is the cancel alone.]
[Below: Wow, look at the eagle on this one... very powerful.]
[Below: This is from the General Government (Poland) from 1941. The Germans used many bombastic eagles on Polish stamps for some reason. The very first stamps after German occupation had giant ink eagles and swastikas over the Polish stamps. This is a rare cancel not seen very often.]
[Below: Lufthansa airmail advertising brochure.]
[Below: Another shot of the above.]
[Below: This envelope has a TeNo eagle, rarer to see on a cancel. TeNo stand for 'Technische Nothilfe, or 'Technical Emergency Help'. Also of interest, this has a Hungarian tax stamp on it. The cancel is from September 13, 1939 and says '20 Jahre Kampf gegen Not und Gefahr' (20 Years of Fighting against Hardship and Danger).]
[Below: Close-up.]
[Below: Here's a rare TeNo tax stamp.]
[Below: A December 11, 1941 cancel for the Greater German Reich Day.]
[Below: Close-up.]
[Below: The cancel on this one is from May 23, 1937, and says 'Die Bayerische Ostmark ruft!' (The Bavarian Ostmark is calling!).]
[Below: Close-up.]
[Below: The actual postcard of the cancel above! Regensburg, June 6, 1937, for a Gau meeting.]
[Below: 'Fest Der Flieger'. (Fest of the Flyer) from September 19, 1938.]
[Below: Close-up.]
[Below: This is from the Anschluss with Austria and says 'Wir kehrten heim ins Reich'. (We returned home to the Reich) from September 21, 1938.]
[Below: This is for a Nuremberg Reich Party Day rally and contains sixteen pictures.]
[Below: This is a brochure with the schedule for the 1937 'Tag der Wehrmacht' (Day of the Army), an military parade before Adolf Hitler during the Nuremberg Reich Party Day rally.
The quote from Adolf Hitler, from May 4, 1923, says:
'Erst wenn die Wehrfrage der Nation,
die in erster Linie nicht eine technische,
sondern eine geistige, eine Willensfrage ist,
gelöst ist in dem Sinne, dass das Deutsche Volk wieder begreift,
dass man Politik nur mit Macht und wieder Macht treiben kann,
dann ist der Wiederaufbau möglich.'
(Only when the defense question of the nation,
which is primarily not a technical,
but a spiritual, a question of will,
is solved in the sense that the German people understand
again that politics can only be pursued
with power and power again, then reconstruction is possible.)]
[Below: Here is an unused ticket to the 1941 'Tag der Briefmarke' (Day of the Stamp), this was a big postage stamp show in Vienna.]
[Below: Check out this rare shirt this boxer is wearing. It is a sport's shirt insignia designed for the Leibstandarte 'Adolf Hitler'.]
[Below: Early German 1934 Memmingen District Party Day tinnie.]
[Below: This postcard is gorgeous! Yet, rather strangely, no swastika in the eagle's talons.]
[Below: Wow, very cool.]
[Below: Here is a booklet for small animal breeding. A rather strange one.]
[Below: Here is a label or vignette for the Reichsfachgruppe Imker - a National Socialist Beekeepers Association. 500G of honey for 1.50 Reichsmarks.]
[Below: This is a rare belt buckle from the NPEA (National Political Institutes of Education).]
[Below: A beautiful wooden plaque... except, is the horse's tongue really long? And is that a unicorn?]
[Below: A header from an early (April 12, 1930) Austrian National Socialist newspaper called 'Volks Stimme' (People's Voice), whose slogan was 'Freiheit u. Brot!' (Freedom and Bread). Notice at the bottom it says National Socialist German Worker's Party and in parentheses it says 'Hitlerbewegung', which means 'Hitler Movement'. This was the unofficial/official name the party was known as early on. It was even on voting ballots (see below).]
[Below: Notice on number 10 it says 'Hitlerbewegung' (Hitler Movement).]
[Below: Another ballot that says 'Hitlerbewegung' (Hitler Movement).]