[Below: German and Austrian border police dismantle a border post between Austria and Germany.]
[Below: This striking billboard asks for a YES vote to the Anschluss. Vienna, Austria, April 1938.]
[Below: Another shot of a similiar billboard.]
[Below: Austrian Gardebataillon soldiers after the Anschluss, 1938. Note they wear Austrian helmets and uniforms with newly sewn eagle and swastika patches on their breasts.]
[Below: Here's a postcard showing more of the photo, but not as high of quality.]
[Below: Vienna, March 1938. Courtesy of the Bundesarchiv.]
[Below: Adolf Hitler enters Vienna]
[Below: Adolf Hitler enters the city limits of Vienna on March 14, 1938, two days after German Werhmacht troops entered the country.]
[Below: Adolf Hitler in Linz, Austria, speaking from a balcony, 1938.]
[Below: Adoring fans -- the look in their eyes says it all: their savior had arrived.]
[Below: Salzburg, Austria, March 1938. Courtesy of the Bundesarchiv.]
[Below: Salzburg, March 1938. Courtesy of the Bundesarchiv.]
[Below: October 1938. Courtesy of the Bundesarchiv.]
[Below: Dollfussplatz, Salzburg 1938.]
[Below: The Vienna boys' choir and Austrian children during Adolf Hitler's first official visit to Austria after the Anschluss.]
[Below: German police in a Tyrolean town during Anschluss 1938.]
[Below: October, 1938. Courtesy of the Bundesarchiv.]
[Below: A truck plastered with advertising for the Anschluss in Vienna. The slogan above the man with the trumpet says 'Vienna Awake!'.]
[Below: Saturday, March 12, 1938, Adolf Hitler returns to Linz, Austria.]
[Below: Austrian civilians (some in traditional costume) salute the arrival of German soldiers in Schwarzach im Pongau during the Anschluss.]
[Below: Austrian civilians show their love and loyalty, Vienna.]
[Below: A beautiful street display.]
[Below: Hundreds of thousands of cheering Austrians gather on Heldenplatz in Vienna on March 15, 1938. Click to enlarge.]
[Below: 'One People - One Führer - One Yes'.]
[Below: 'One People - One Nation - One Führer'.]
[Below: Donation coin. Front/back. The front says '1933-1936 Germany is Free' and the back says 'One shilling donation for a free Austria']