Here is a selection of our very first images. Most of these have never been released until now. The few that have were released on our first photo CD, in a very small size and a very low resolution. While these scans aren't perfect either, they are leagues better than the original releases.
Scanning technology has come a long way. The next time we scan these, it will be the last, and these will be included on our third CD, which is still in the works.
It is interesting to note that we hadn't even finished designing the expansion rune yet. If you look closely at the skull and the body paint, the arms of expansion can be seen on the inside of the pentagram. The fourteen examples below are taken from a few dozen images we did in two separate shoots.
Enjoy the deflowering!
*All images are strictly copyrighted. They may not be displayed via internet or printed form in any manner without our written permission, nor are they to be altered in any form whatsoever. Violators shall be vigorously prosecuted by international law.