This was, at the time, our largest photo shoot ever. Nearly 600 photos in all, we took this many to experiment with different lighting, various plastics over the lens, even a plastic bag (which are the foggy pictures in part II). We had also recently upgraded our camera to one a little bit better than the last. As you will notice, some of the shots show another 'model,' but once again she was nothing more than a detraction. This was one of the last shoots for our first photo CD, but we only included forty six photos for various reasons, despite the fact that we had so many to choose from. At the time, the pictures seemed to lack the ferocity we were used to. They were either too soft, some too racy, or the angles were bad, revealing too much outer walls or the appalling pink carpet. Looking back on them today, they've aged better than a lot of other shoots. Enjoy part one of two...

Outtakes: Before the shoot; make-up test...
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