[Page Thirty Three]

Chernobyl Diaries


  • Rating [R]

  • Released by [WB]

  • Duration [86 minutes]

  • Presentation [Widescreen]

  • ©2012

    [Note: Directed by Brad Parker. The premise of this movie could have been decent I suppose... and it started out okay, but declined badly from there.]



  • Rating [R]

  • Released by [Dimension Films]

  • Duration [88 minutes]

  • Presentation [Widescreen]

  • ©2011

    [Note: Directed by Alexandre Aja. A remake of the 1978 Roger Corman film. I had a pet Piranha growing up, it's name was Phil, but it was nowhere near as exciting as the ones in this movie. He would pretty much just float in place and only move when it was feeding time. I fed Phil goldfish. I guess I should have tried people?! Either way, as boring as Phil was, this movie is more boring!]

    [Below: Flip-side of cover]

    [Below: European release, this time in 3D]

    [Below: Czech release]

    [Below: European 2D/3D version]

    [Below: Poster]

    [Below: Poster]

    [Below: Poster]

    [Below: Poster]

    [Below: These stills give you an idea of the selling points of this film]

    [Below: More stills]

    [Below: And more...]

    [Below: This is a poster for the original 1978 Piranha]

    [Below: This is a poster for the 1983 sequel by James Cameron...]

    [Below: ...]

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